Friday, February 7, 2020

I'm a *bleeping* Widow

My husband died with absolutely zero warning on December 5, 2018. I left to volunteer at my daughter's school in the afternoon and he was getting ready to watch a movie (i.e. nap) in the living room. He said - "I'll see you girls when you get home from school!" before I left.

After coming home, I found him dead on the couch. No violence, wounds, drugs or etc. Just dead at 37 years old... 10 days away from being 38. The only thing revealing in the autopsy to point to a particular cause of death was a 90% blockage in one artery. What the actual F***??

So you might ask - how am I now? I am out of my mind most of the time. Answers to this everyday question fluctuate between "I am well, thank you," "I'm OK," and "You really do NOT want to know." Absolutely astonishing as how little difference any of these remarks makes to the reaction of most people. Because most people really don't care about the answer.


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